Creating an blog post with Chat GPT

Today, January 1, 2023 I thought I would try Chat GPT and here is the result:

I told it:

” Write an essay on how society can change to be more inclusive to people suffering from all kinds of disability: visible, invisible, mental or physical, profound or superficial. How Australia ranks in comparison with other OECD countries with regards to the treatment of people with disability”

This is what it came back with:

“In recent years, society had made great strides in becoming more inclusive to people suffering from all kinds of disability, visible or invisible, mental or physical, profound or superficial. However, there is still much work to be done in order to ensure that people with disabilities are treated with the same respect and dignity as everyone else. This essay will discuss how society can change to be more inclusive to people with disabilities, and how Australia ranks in comparison to other OECD countries with regards to the treatment of people with disability.

AI Helping poeple with disabilities
What AI can do to assist people with disability (Graphic created by Dall-E 2 AI)

“Another important step in creating a more inclusive society is to ensure that people with disabilities are represented in the media. This means featuring people with disabilities in television shows, movies, and advertisements, and ensuring that people with disabilities are portrayed in a positive light. Additionally, it is important to ensure that people with disabilities are included in conversations about policy and legislation, and that their voices are heard.

“Finally, it is important to ensure that people with disabilities are provided with the necessary support and resources to live full and independent lives. This includes providing access to assistive technology, such as wheelchairs and hearing aids, as well as providing access to mental health services and other forms of support.

“When it comes to how Australia ranks in comparison to other OECD countries with regards to the treatment of people with disability, the country fares relatively well. Australia has implemented a number of policies and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of people with disabilities, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Additionally, the country has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which outlines the rights of people with disabilities and provides a framework for governments to ensure that these rights are respected.

“Overall, there is still much work to be done in order to create a more inclusive society for people with disabilities. However, by taking steps to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the same opportunities as everyone else, that they are represented in the media, and that they are provided with the necessary support and resources, society can become more inclusive and welcoming to people with disabilities.

I told it : “Continue with UN statistics on age and types of disability” And here is what it came up with:

“According to the United Nations, approximately 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability. Of this population, 80% are over the age of 65, and the majority of disabilities are twice as likely to live in poverty than those without disabilities.

“These statistics demonstrate the need for society to become more inclusive to people with disabilities. By taking steps to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the same opportunities as everyone else, that they are represented in the media, and that they are provided with the necessary support and resources, society can become more inclusive and welcoming to people with disabilities. This will not only improve the lives of people with disabilities, but it will also benefit society as a whole.

I asked it : “Give it an introductory paragraph to engage the reader and make them step into what the life of someone living with an average disability is like.” And it came back with:

“Living with a disability can be a difficult and isolating experience. For many people with disabilities, everyday tasks that most of us take for granted can be a challenge. From navigating public transportation to finding employment, people with disabilities often face unique obstacles that can make life more difficult. Despite the progress that has been made in recent years, there is still much work to be done in order to create a more inclusive society for people with disabilities. This essay will discuss how society can change to be more inclusive to people with disabilities, and how Australia ranks in comparison to other OECD countries with regards to the treatment of people with disability.

I asked it to: “End with how AI can assist not only in assisting people with cognitive and sensory disabilities but with finding cutting-edge technology and finding out ways to apply these to ease the challenges people with disabilities face. ” Here is it’s response:

“In addition to the steps outlined above, society can also benefit from the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to assist people with disabilities. AI can be used to develop assistive technologies that can help people with cognitive and sensory disabilities, such as voice recognition software and robotic prosthetics.

“Additionally, AI can be used to identify new and innovative ways to make life easier for people with disabilities, such as using machine learning algorithms to identify potential job opportunities or providing virtual assistants to help with everyday tasks. By leveraging the power of AI, society can create a more inclusive environment for people with disabilities.”

Now, try it yourself:

‘The oil that lubricates the gears of evolution’

A 2011 paper in the research journal Nature Reviews Microbiology calculated there were approximately ten nonillion viruses on earth — that’s 1 x 1031 or a number with 1 followed by 31 zeros.

Despite the bad rap they get, not all viruses are bad for us. 

Roberts says the human race couldn’t survive without some of them, like those found in our guts which help to keep our digestive systems in balance.

“Viruses,” he says, “are the oil that lubricates the gears of evolution.”

Free Stem Cell Treatment?


It’s free! No, actually, it’s more than free as you will find out why.

The human body is a wonderful thing, able to adapt to multiple insults on a daily basis. It the result of cooperation between 30 trillion cells supposedly governed by a lump of fatty tissue encased in a dome protected by set of bones called the skull. Or is it really “the boss”? It appears that the brain does not have exclusive command. There is what is called the gut-brain axis familiar to us by phenomena such as “butterflies” in your stomach or why we sometimes feel nausea when facing a stressful situation. It turns out we are sensitive to signals from bugs in our digestive system and a dysbiosis or imbalance of good and bad microbes in our gut have been linked to anxiety and depression. Chronic or long-term intestinal maladaptation has been linked to autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto’s disease, lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis among others.

“In pathologic conditions, the permeability of the epithelial lining may be compromised allowing the passage of toxins, antigens, and bacteria in the lumen to enter the blood stream creating a “leaky gut.”

it is hypothesized that modulating the gut microbiota can serve as a potential method for regulating intestinal permeability and may help to alter the course of autoimmune diseases in susceptible individuals.”

Alright, what does the gut have to do with a free stem cell treatment? Just bear with me while I try and make the connection clearer.

Give the gut a rest and let your body do the rest.

Yoshinori Ohsumi  – winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine for describing the mechanism behind autophagy (literally “self-eating”) or the way that our cells recycle components, getting rid of damaged bits and pieces to use them for energy in times of starvation.

Autophagy is active in all cells and can be upregulated in response to stress or nutrient deprivation. Induction of autophagy not only facilitates the degradation of damaged cellular components but also provides the cell with molecular building blocks and energy.

Autophagy is now known to play a role in many diverse disease processes including cancer, neurodegeneration, aging, autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and infection. “

Dr. Valter Longo has been studying the effects of calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and fasting mimicking diets on longevity and for the prevention of autoimmune diseases and immunosenescence. In his study he concludes:

We are now just beginning to understand the complex connections between metabolism and the regulation of T cells in relation to autoimmune diseases development and progression. In the development of novel therapeutics for autoimmune disorders, targeting T cell metabolism by dietary interventions provides an alternative way to control T cell fate and function

“CR (Calorie restriction) or various other dietary restrictions and particularly relatively long-term fasting, or FMDs (Fasting Mimicking Diet) cycles followed by refeeding appear to decrease the biological rate of aging and promote anti-inflammatory effects, and may contribute to alleviate and possibly reverse a variety of autoimmune disorders as well as immunosenescence by killing old and damaged cells and replacing them with young and functional ones. “

Ok, finally, I come to my point. Not only does intermittent fasting boost stem cell regeneration, thereby delaying the effects of aging, it costs nothing and even saves you time and money you spend preparing and eating food from time to time.

“This age-related loss of stem cell function can be reversed by a 24-hour fast, according to a new study from MIT biologists. The researchers found that fasting dramatically improves stem cells’ ability to regenerate, in both aged and young mice.

In fasting mice, cells begin breaking down fatty acids instead of glucose, a change that stimulates the stem cells to become more regenerative. “

Will the MAGA hopefuls who installed their champion now realise it takes more than a massive ego to maintain America’s global leadership?

Statue of Liberty
Make America Great Again Cap

China has problems with its leadership but so has the U.S. How can a person have the audacity to delay stimulus checks just to have his name printed on them in a self-serving egotistical attempt to prop himself up when the funds backing the checks are not his own. Furthermore, his contempt for his own experts, lack of foresight, simple-minded smug attitude is a direct contributor to the godawful economically dire situation that every American is facing today. Please pass me a bucket, I’m about to heave into it!

What will it take to abolish the electoral college. It was an attempt to give the weaker states a greater voice but it appears that this very fact is manipulated by candidates so they can focus their campaign efforts toward so called “swing states”. Now, an unpresidential president who purports that he has the absolute power holds the reigns when someone else should have been there. Should we be thankful that at least he’s not a Putin that has a team of assassins to silence any dissenters?

The question is, will the MAGAmillions stay with their guy come 3 November 2020? Good luck American brothers and sisters.

Will the Chinese people finally assert their rights and overthrow the Communist Party?

Forbidden Temple

China sneezed and the whole world got The Cold.

Covid-19, the flu on steroids, caused by a pathogen that isn’t even technically alive so minuscule it is carried through the air in tiny droplet projectiles when the infected sneeze, cough, or even just talk.

The horrific scenes of brutality out of Wuhan, China when it was just the beginnings of an epidemic were so disturbing I could not put my iPad down at night checking the latest videos and wondering if the same could happen in other countries given the same circumstances. Women jumping out of windows, their building entrance having been welded shut by authorities. CCTV video of a healthy man walking casually then just dropping dead in one instant. Another of a lady security guard sitting at her post surfing the net on her laptop when she suddenly faints, falls to the ground as if she was having an epileptic seizure but the tremors are short lived and her body suddenly goes stiff.

Woman Violently Dragged By Police in China

Mobile phone video. One of a woman being forced out of her car, suspected of having the virus to be taken away to quarantine, 4 cops wrestle her out with such force they accidentally snap her neck and she falls lifeless to the ground. They nonchalantly pick her up and place her into a van. Residents of a unit forcefully extracted for quarantine. On old man not wearing a mask being beaten up by his neighbor. A woman carrying a toddler is wrestled by police and she loses hold of her toddler and her child is sickeningly jettisoned onto the concrete.

Wake up my Chinese friends, 1.4 billion strong against a leadership you don’t even get to choose. Assert your freedom, let Taiwan be the example. Lend your brothers in Hong Kong a helping hand to fight the tyranny of a government that has no regard for you.

The lack of transparency, blatant disregard for truth, and the utter lack of human decency is appalling and downright abhorrent.

That attitude has now precipitated in a pandemic and economic turmoil the effects of which will be felt for decades to come.